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初冬夜驼鹿山人焚香沐地竭诚迎客 冷风天古茶轩友披霜带露倾情赴席
初冬夜驼鹿山人焚香沐地竭诚迎客 冷风天古茶轩友披霜带露倾情赴席
欢迎Sharon朋友再次加入我们的年度春晚盛典。 2018年狗年春晚将于2018年2月10日晚6:30-9:30在高中礼堂隆重举行。敬请各位嘉宾盛装出席华人最重要的节日。 现征集春晚节目,请大家踊跃报名。详情见如下报名链接: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd9J9T5GGBYmVVZ9VOh6uwefHmMINMlQtTO8mUWd09N_1tdTw/viewform?usp=sf_link 联系组委会请Email: scny@sharonchinese.org SCNY2018 春晚组委会 春晚历史背景介绍: 在过去的几年里,一年一度的Sharon中国新年庆典已成为交流中华文化和为Sharon中文教育基金筹款的平台。Sharon中文教育基金以奖学金的方式,鼓励Sharon在校学生学习中文。每人500美元的奖学金颁发给当年的三位优秀毕业生。以表彰他们在高中四年学习中文所取得的成就。感谢您一如既往的支持和捐助,让我们为推广海外中文教育,弘扬中华文化共同努力。
Event Flyer The Sharon Chinese Association (https://sharonchinese.org/) proudly presents “Navigating A Path to College”, the first forum of a series aimed at helping future college students navigate the college admission Continue Reading →
By Lilly Zhou, 07/16/2017, 11pm EST Another sunny summer weekend in New England, it would have been easy to sleep in on such a pleasant Sunday morning, but many Sharon kids, Continue Reading →
When: July 6, 2017 Attendance: Shiwei, Katie Xu, Elizabeth Xu, Eric Li, Eddie Li Activities: Took Shiwei and father to fly kites and to Castle Island Expenses: $____ for Wendy’s Lunch Continue Reading →
By: Katherine Xu This Sunday July 6 we went with 世伟 to fly kites and visit Castle Island. The purpose of this trip was to help 世伟 get familiar with Continue Reading →
By: Elizabeth Xu On Sunday July 9th, Eddie Li and his family, 世伟 and his dad, and my family all went to the Pope John Paul II Park in Boston Continue Reading →
Part 1 – by Eddie Li: On July 9th, 2017, we brought burn victim Liu Shiwei kite flying at Pope John Paul park and to a visit on Castle Island Continue Reading →
by Nancy Feng Shi Wei is a 10 year old boy living in Boston with his father. In no less than two days after our trip, he would be receiving Continue Reading →
by Hannah Li July 3, 2017 On Saturday my family and our friend Nancy’s family drove to Blue Hills, to meet our Continue Reading →