华协职业讲座2: Math & Statistics (9/6)

华协职业讲座系列之二 – Math and Statistics! 时间:9月6日 (星期二)5:45-7:45pm 地点: Sharon Library – Community Room 讲座用英语,面对公众开放。系列讲座主要目的是鼓励各行各业华人以及华人朋友之间加强联系。这也是个给初高中生或面临专业和职场选择的年轻人士深入了解各行各业的好机会。敬请大家广为宣传,并积极参与! Sharon Chinese Association (“SCA”) will host the second session of the Professional Development series open to Continue Reading →


足球队近况: 沙龙足球队近两年来一直与近邻兄弟Westwood球队训练,建立了深厚的感情,对外一直联合组队比赛,简称“西沙联队”。 足球队活动时间: 周三 (6pm-8pm) at Westwood High School Turf Field 周五 (6pm-8pm) at Sharon Gavin’s Pond Grass Filed 周日 (5pm-8pm) at Sharon/Westwood (alternating weeks)

Sharon/Westwood 少儿足球友谊赛 (6/26)

西沙 (Sharon and Westwood) 的球爸们计划组织一场Sharon vs Westwood 儿童足球友谊赛 时间:6月26日(周日)下午五点 地点:待定。Sharon Gavin’s Field or Westwood High School 年龄7-14岁,视报名情况按U8, U10, U12, U14 男女分队或混合组队。请家长们踊跃报名。另外需要若干志愿者担任教练,也请家长们支持 报名link: https://goo.gl/Z45OAx    

Cottage Street School Council Survey


Cottage Street School Council is about to create our school improvement plan.  Part of this process is collecting some data from parents, students and staff.  Please take a moment to visit the link below and fill out our survey.  The survey will close at 3:30 on May 20th.  Parents have shared that operating systems on smart phones can make the survey look a little odd depending on the device so please keep this in mind when choosing a device to complete the survey.  Thank you for your time.

Survey Link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KMGWRBG

Survey will close at 3:30 on May 20th.