Sharon Badminton Club

Dear All,

Sharon Badminton Club (SBC) has been established at 24/7 Family Fitness (333 Tosca Drive, Stoughton MA 02072, and is now in its 5th season with 10 hours of playing time per week on three BWF standard courts. SBC is a member-run badminton club and aims to serve its members’ interest of playing fun and competitive badminton.  The club has 50+ registered members including adult and 9 junior members.

If you are interested in joining the club, please contact

To join the club with a membership, Please review and sign the terms and conditions specified in the ” 24/7 Family Fitness Sharon Badminton Club Membership Agreements ” and ” Rules and Guidelines for Sharon Badminton Club (SBC)” which can be downloaded at  HERE.

You are also required to review and sign the “Waiver and Release of Liability” form which can be downloaded at HERE.

Welcome all to the club!