音乐之神奇就在于作曲家准确地捕捉了人的情感,心情,和感受并将之凝固于音符之中,几百年后能跨时空地再还原出来, 让今天的聆听者在演奏者重建的心灵维度中产生共鸣。这首诞生于18世纪的E小调 键盘奏鸣曲是海顿为大键琴和古钢琴写的,第三乐章的标题是Innocentemente (天真无邪)。今天要用现代钢琴为我们构建时光隧道的是一位九岁的,成长在21世纪的年轻的钢琴演奏者Kenneth Shen。 九岁正是人生天真活泼,无忧无虑的美好年华, Kenneth能否还原出几百年前音乐大师海顿的Innocentemente 呢?让我们先听听Kenneth 自己学习钢琴的感想。
“I have been playing piano since I was five (I am nine years old right now). The one I just played was the third movement of the Haydn Sonata in E minor. Some parts of the song are hard like Cadence. But after a lot of practices I got them. I really like this piece. Slow songs are not my favorite but I still like playing some of them. One slow piece that I am playing right now is March in the Seasons by Tchaikovsky. This is my favorite slow piece so far. My mom likes and plays June.”
海顿的这首E 小调钢琴奏鸣曲非常流行,是各类考级的考级曲目, 所以好多专业的和业余的钢琴演奏者都弹过。各位大师们的演绎也各有特色,有的注重速度,有的着重于旋律。有的以快表现活泼,有的以轻盈表现天真。这个曲子的Tempo marking 是 Molto Vivace (很活泼)所以速度和旋律都要兼顾。由于这第三乐章采用了回旋律的曲式,更要注意到Dynamic的表达,使之不沦于单调的重复。让我们来听听Kenneth的演绎。
怎样?大家有没有在Kenneth 飞快翻飞的双手中,体会到天真活泼啊?Kenneth 生活在一个喜爱音乐的家庭,家中经常是余音绕梁。他们也把音乐的欢乐带给了我们Sharon小镇,各类文化活动少不了他们的身影。Kenneth的妈妈是这样把音乐融入自己和孩子们的生活的:”Music is part of our family, we knew that our kids will be playing instruments before they were born. But even with the mental preparation, it is still hard. From reading notes, to technical details, to understanding the music, each step requires hard work and patience. Comparing to what I learned as a kid, which was the typical performing skills of classical music, I am hoping my kids can broaden their view and appreciate all types of music. There has been ups and downs, but Kenneth started to build his own music world, which will be with him for a long time. Happy holidays to everyone, and may music be with all of you.”
最后感谢Kenneth 和他妈妈 为大家录制了这个Video Clip 分享了学习音乐的体会。希望大家能给自家的学琴娃看看,在音乐中找到天真活泼的美好年华。也希望大家多交流多分享。我们从你们的分享中得益良多。