终于迎来了我们活动的第一位钢琴演奏学生Alex Yang, 他要和大家分享的是肖邦的著名的21首夜曲 中的 Op. 9 No. 1。 Nocturne 夜曲是钢琴最浪漫的一面,轻轻流畅连续的和弦伴着柔美动人的主旋律表现了夜的轻,柔,静,和绵延的思绪和情感。浪漫的夜曲更依赖于用感情来演奏,对于节奏,韵律,左右手的轻重,乐曲的Dynamics 的掌握要求高,即使在停顿中也能呼吸到伴随生命的似水柔情,这可能对年轻学生来说更有难度,要把自己的感情慢慢揉碎到跳跃流淌的Notes里没有一番细致入微的练习是不行的。Alex 分享了他的学习钢琴以及每首乐曲的经历,方法,和体验:
“Alex Yang has played the piano consistently ever since he was 5 years old. Some moving, holiday, and injury delays have taken away some of his time he could’ve played the piano, giving him about 6 years of total experience.
He prefers to take his time on larger and even small music pieces to focus on incorporating or using minor details, written or created, that improve the sense of music and are appropriate to the style of the song. He enjoys music pieces with a moderately slow or middle temp that are very emotional. Alex practices his piano everyday focusing on small portions of his current music piece. He practices until he thinks he’s confident or needs to take a break. For newer pieces or sections of music, he slows down the temp and practices the notes of each hand separately loud and clear to hear where his weaknesses lie. He’ll then focus on those sections. After being able to play the whole piece correctly, he’ll start adding or incorporating minor details that he thinks would be appropriate if the music were ever played aloud on stage.“
”Alex的性格是比较安静内向的, 不喜欢张扬与夸张。 相比其它爱好,Alex对音乐还是发自内心的喜欢。如果说弹钢琴是我们强加给他的一个必修课的话,那吉他和萨高斯就完全是他自发选修的。
去年底当钢琴老师让我们选择一首自己喜欢的曲子时,我们选择了肖邦的夜曲第9号, 因为曲式平稳, 安静。 Alex非常喜欢, 而且很快就熟练地掌握了。尽管第2节更有名, 他弹的也更好一些, 可当我们要选择作这了录像时, Alex却要求弹第1节, 用他自己的话说就是第1节音乐更富有变化, 情感更丰富, 悲伤中带着渴望与神秘 (这是我把他的英语翻译过来, 可能不一定准确)。作为听众, 您听完Alex的这一段演奏,觉得音乐表达的是什么呢?“