和音乐一起成长专题的第一集向大家推出一位我们Sharon 年轻的Guitar Player Steven Liao. Steven 要以琴会友,想通过他的音乐结识更多的朋友。
他给我们带来了一首非常cool的音乐,”See you Again” 这是一首 Motion Movie Furious 7 的OST。 Furious 7 是一部非常cool 的movie, 集表现Cool Cars, Car Stunts and Brotherhood 于一身。Originally sung by Wiz Khalifa and Featured by Charlie Puth。这是一首特别的歌,就像现在流行的Fusion 菜系, 这首歌把Rap music 和 Pop music 结合在一起,听起来别有风味,但作为Guitar 乐曲演奏 怎样表现这种融合,却另有难度。让我们听听 Steven Liao 是怎样来演绎的。
弹得真好!非常投入! 当Steven 抬头把目光投向远方的时候,我们能感受到他和音乐的共鸣。让我们听一下Steven自己对学习Guitar的体会吧。
“ This is Steven, the song I played in this video is called See You Again by Wiz Khalifa feat Charlie Puth. I really enjoyed learning this song on my own and I love playing and learning how to play guitar. Learning guitar has been amazing, every piece introduces it’s own challenges and it is fun to overcome them. I love learning new techniques and incorporating into each piece I play. However, the first couple of days I start to learn a new song, its is quite frustrating getting to know the song and then trying to play it fluently. The process is difficult, yet the result in the end is always well worth it.”
为什么Steven能保持这种学习的热情呢? 他的妈妈给出了答案。
” Steven chose the guitar by himself. That is the reason he is keep playing. Most importantly, he is having fun by following the artists and their sons by the guitar. Young persons like that.”